There has been mentions of potato
chitting, oh no, I've not got any yet! February is nearly here so I though I must go to the allotment before they throw me off. I went this morning and I'm glad because it was a really nice day. Once you go you are already planning the next visit, there's always something that you need to get on with. My little friend the robin came and joined me, it was just the two of us, lovely and peaceful.
On the way there my bike knows that I have been neglecting it and the gears decided to lock up whilst going up the big hill (big for me). They would only change to the lower and lower gears (or is the higher ones)until it reached the killer one that you aren't meant to do hills in and locked up. I made it with my thighs on fire to the allotment ready to collapse and then the bike unstuck itself and all the gears started working again. No comment.
I did a bit of weeding and digging and found a prize, some forgotten about parsnips. Lucky me.
I shared an unfortunate worm with my little friend the robin. He took it and went to hide under a tree with it as though there was a chance that I might nick it back again. I guess worms are precious when the soil is still a bit frozen.
All looking not to bad at the allotment considering my lack of care. That green stuff is winter tares by the way, not weeds, so don't judge me too harshly. Put on a couple of cloches to warm up the soil for planting my broad beans. Grabbed a couple of stray brambles and brought them home to thread through my fence, wouldn't it be terrible if that burglar that tried to break in over Christmas came back and got himself scratched to bits? It would be a real shame for him. I will be getting more next time I go... and jobs a
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