The window sills in the house are now looking like they are meant to for this time of year. Have planted up lots of seeds today.
Pumpkin - Big Max
Cucumber - Zeina
Courgette - Solei
Sweet corn - Sweet Nugget
Spouts - Fill Basket
Broccoli - Purple Sprouting Early
Broccoli - Red Arrow
Kale - Dwarf Green Curled
Tomato - Losetto
Beetroot - Boltardy
Beetroot - Pronto
Lettuce - Concarde
Lettuce - Webb
Courgette - Black Beauty
Poached Egg Plant
Artichokes - Green Globe
Dwarf Beans - The Prince
Chilli - Pyramid
Swiss Chard - Rainbow
Climbing Beans - Yellow and Black
Runner Beans and Broad Beans (from last years plants)
I've planted leeks too even though I'm too late, I can't do without leeks, so even if they don't work I've stuck them in anyway. I'll eat them small if I have to. It's no good if I can't torture my family with my leek soup.
I'm not a plastic gardener anymore now that I've actually got my hands dirty. It's good to be filthy, go on people get out there and get dirty.