Tuesday, 22 March 2011

About time

My sweet peas and broad beans are starting to sprout.
The window sills in the house are now looking like they are meant to for this time of year. Have planted up lots of seeds today.
Pumpkin - Big Max
Cucumber - Zeina
Courgette - Solei
Sweet corn - Sweet Nugget
Spouts - Fill Basket
Broccoli - Purple Sprouting Early
Broccoli - Red Arrow
Kale - Dwarf Green Curled
Tomato - Losetto
Beetroot - Boltardy
Beetroot - Pronto
Lettuce - Concarde
Lettuce - Webb
Courgette - Black Beauty
Poached Egg Plant
Artichokes - Green Globe
Dwarf Beans - The Prince
Chilli - Pyramid
Swiss Chard - Rainbow
Climbing Beans - Yellow and Black
Runner Beans and Broad Beans (from last years plants)

I've planted leeks too even though I'm too late, I can't do without leeks, so even if they don't work I've stuck them in anyway. I'll eat them small if I have to. It's no good if I can't torture my family with my leek soup.
I'm not a plastic gardener anymore now that I've actually got my hands dirty. It's good to be filthy, go on people get out there and get dirty.

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