Tuesday, 30 June 2009

We've got lots of peas but not had any pods yet. We have a few mange touts though, three to be precise.
The courgettes are enjoying the sun and rain they've been having.
This is the sweetcorn and courgette bed, there is a pumpkin plant in there somewhere too. The all look the same at the moment but once the fruits come I'm sure I'll be able to tell which is which.

Slugs eye view of the sweetcorn. This looks more impressive from underneath than it does from on top.
The cabbages and cauliflowers are looking pretty healthy so far. I've planted some nasturtiums underneath them as this is suppose to deter the white fly. The nasturtiums I planted last year were covered in blackfly so it must work but I forgot to plant them early enough to be ready with the broad beans. The man next to our plot looks like an expert, well he's old and he's got lots of stuff growing. He's put them with his cabbages too so it can't hurt.
I forgot to show you the strawberry bed, herbs and the potatoes but you get the idea. I think we've made pretty good progress since we took over. Don't you?

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