Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Lovely Muck

These are the bean seeds that I saved from last year. They have since been planted. They have got a Jack and the beanstalk feel to them. I love these big fat seeds, they are really tactile. I probably would have swapped the cow myself.
Mmmmm delicious. This is the compost I've been fermenting. It is good stuff I am so happy happy. Hurrah!

I made it in my whirly turny darlik compost maker or Blackwall Composter if you want to get it right. I chose this one because we had a rat once in a compost heap and I don't want a new resident in the garden. Although if you keep poking at the compost it deters rats I'd rather be safe. The rats can't get in here. I wouldn't have such a posh one for the allotment we've just got a pile there and a plastic bin.
I can now refill it and start turning again, I'm happy. Compost is good.

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